85 Real Estate Acronyms Every Real Estate Investor Should Know 😉

Real Estate Investing4 min read

Today’s real estate investing acronyms defined and explained!

JP Moses
JP Moses
85 Acronyms REI Should Know

Have you ever found yourself in a lively discussion with other real estate investors, only to be thrown off by some weird acronym or abbreviation they keep using?

Or felt like an obvious outsider puzzled by the many 2, 3, or 4-letter REFS you see people tossing around & rolling so easily with?

Or maybe while perusing the popular REI ‘watering holes’ online (investor forums or FB groups) you find yourself struggling to reverse-engineer what the heck ARV, ROI, LOI, DOS, or MAO really mean?

LOL, we do love our REI acronyms 😉

Sure, using common industry abbreviations or acronyms makes good sense—but only when you can make good sense of them, right?

So, let’s see if I can do you a solid…

Below I’ll demystify as many of the common real estate investing abbreviations & acronyms as possible—at least as many as I can think of as I’m writing this right now.

I’ll run through the REI-specific ones and also include some of the more traditional real estate ones that you’ll likely encounter at some point, if you haven’t already.

OK, let’s do this: 85 Real Estate Acronyms

A Little Help?

*takes deep breath*

So yeah, that’s a pretty deep list of REI acronyms & abbreviations, and it honestly took me a little lot longer than I expected when I first sat down over this morning’s coffee to tackle this.

And let me just say: I probably overlooked something.

So, if you happen to notice a little something I missed in this list, would you mind sharing it with me, please? Just ‘pay it forward’ in a quick comment, and I’ll come back and add it!

*drops mic, walks away, starts eating last night’s leftovers for lunch*

El Presidente Fancy

P.S. Looking for some more light reading? ッ Try this one…

33 Ways to Build a Ridiculous Cash Buyers List…