How to Use Debt-to-Equity Ratio for Your REI

Real Estate Investing6 min read

Whether you’re a math nerd or not, we break it all down so it’s easy to understand!

JP Moses
JP Moses

The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio in real estate investing reveals hidden insights that can help you unlock the true potential of your investments.

But what — exactly — does this magical metric reveal?

Well, the D/E ratio helps you understand how much of your real estate investments are financed through debt versus how much is financed through your own money.

For real estate investors like you, knowing this ratio can be the difference between a thriving REI business and a risky venture.

In this blog post, I’ll dive into what the debt-to-equity ratio is and why it’s important. I’ll also cover how to calculate it, its role in your real estate investment deals, and its limitations, so that your investments are as solid as the properties you buy.

What Is the Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio?

The debt-to-equity ratio is the balance between borrowed funds and your own capital. It measures how much of your investment is funded by loans compared to what you’ve put in yourself.

This ratio reveals the level of risk associated with your investments, helping you determine whether you’re stretching yourself too thin or maintaining a healthy balance.

Understanding this ratio helps you make better decisions, so your REI business stays on the right track.

Formula to Calculate the Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Alright, now let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of calculating the debt-to-equity ratio for your residential investment property.

Don’t worry, it’s simpler than it sounds, and I’ll walk you through it step-by-step.

The Debt-to-Equity Formula

First things first: the formula. It’s as straightforward as:

  • Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Equity

Now, let’s get our hands dirty with some real numbers…

The Calculation

Imagine you’ve just snagged a charming rental property for $400,000. You took out a loan for $320,000, meaning you invested $80,000 of your own money. Plugging these values into our trusty formula, we get:

  • Debt-to-Equity Ratio = 320,000 / 80,000 = 4

That means for every $1 you put in, you’ve borrowed $4. But let’s break it down even further…

Percentage Breakdown

To see the full picture, you’ll want to know the percentage of debt and equity relative to the total investment. Here’s how you do that:

  1. Total Investment: Add up your loan amount and your own investment.
    • Total Investment = $320,000 + $80,000 = $400,000
  2. Percentage of Debt: Divide the loan amount by the total investment and multiply by 100.
    • Percentage of Debt = 320,000 / 400,000 x 100 = 80%
  3. Percentage of Equity: Do the same for your own investment.
    • Percentage of Equity = 80,000 / 400,000 x 100 = 20%

There you have it. In this example, your debt makes up 80% of the total investment, while your equity accounts for the remaining 20%.

Why Is Debt-to-Equity Ratio Important?

So, why should you care about the debt-to-equity ratio?

Picture it as your guide in the wild world of real estate investing. It doesn’t just tell you where you are, it also helps get you to where you want to be.

Here’s what’s so magical about this number:

  • Balancing act: Think of it like walking a tightrope. Too much debt, and you might tip over. Too little, and you’re not using your resources efficiently. The ratio helps you find that sweet spot.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your ratio can give you that “I’ve got this” feeling. It’s reassuring to know exactly how much of your investment is borrowed versus how much is your own hard-earned cash.
  • Negotiation power: When chatting with lenders, having a solid debt-to-equity ratio up your sleeve can make you look like a rockstar. It shows you’re financially savvy and manage your investments wisely, potentially getting you better loan terms.
  • Growth strategy: Planning on expanding your real estate empire? This ratio helps you gauge if you’re ready to take on more properties or if you need to pump the brakes and build more equity first.
  • Stress test: It shows how resilient you are to market fluctuations. If your ratio is sky-high, a downturn could hit you harder than if your finances were more balanced.

How Do I Use the Debt-to-Equity Ratio in My REI Deals?

When evaluating new properties, the debt-to-equity ratio helps you quickly assess whether a potential deal aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

If the ratio is high, it signals that the deal relies heavily on borrowed money, which could mean higher risk but also higher potential returns. On the flip side, a lower ratio indicates a more conservative investment with less debt and potentially steadier, but slower, growth.

But the usefulness doesn’t stop there…

As you build your property portfolio, regularly reviewing your debt-to-equity ratio keeps you grounded. It’s a reality check that lets you know if you’ve been piling on too much debt or if you have room to leverage more for expansion.

Think of it as your financial dashboard, guiding your decisions on refinancing, selling, or acquiring new properties.

By keeping an eye on this ratio, you can make smarter moves, stay agile in the market, and ultimately build a robust REI business without losing sleep over financial mishaps.

Limitations of the D/E Ratio

While the D/E ratio is a handy tool in your real estate toolkit, it’s not the be-all/end-all of investment metrics.

Let’s explore why you shouldn’t put all your eggs in the debt-to-equity ratio basket:

  • Cash flow blind spot: The D/E ratio doesn’t consider cash flow, which is the lifeblood of any investment. A property might have a high ratio but could still be a goldmine if it consistently brings in hefty rental income.
  • Market myopia: This ratio doesn’t factor in market conditions. Interest rate hikes, fluctuating property values, or changes in rental demand aren’t captured here, which can drastically affect your investment’s bottom line.
  • Static picture: It’s just a snapshot in time, giving you today’s financial health but ignoring tomorrow’s possibilities. Future shifts in debt levels or property values are not reflected, so it doesn’t account for refinancing opportunities or property appreciation.
  • Context matters: There’s no universal benchmark for a “good” D/E ratio. What works for a single-family rental property in New York might not apply to a suburban duplex in Texas. Context is king, and comparing ratios without considering different variables can mislead you.

Final Thoughts — How to Use Debt-to-Equity Ratio for Your REI

The debt-to-equity ratio isn’t just a number — it’s your go-to tool for making smarter real estate investing decisions.

This quick-and-easy calculation gives you a clear picture of how much of your investments are funded by debt versus your own money.

But, while it’s a powerful indicator, remember that it has its limitations and should be just one part of your overall due diligence.

Keep this trusty formula in your back pocket as you navigate the world of real estate investing. It’s a small yet mighty metric to keep your investments strong and resilient!

Looking for other real estate formulas to help your real estate business? Check out our guides to Cap Rate, Loan to value ratio, Debt to equity ratio , PITI, Gross rent multiplier, Mao formula and other real estate acronyms.
