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Valuable How-To Guides, Tips, & Resources for Aspiring Investors & Entrepreneurs
Real Estate Investing9 min read

Contract Assignments vs. Double Closings

If you’re a real estate wholesaler, you’ve likely heard of 2 distinct strategies that investors use to wholesale real estate for quick cash: contract assignments and double closings. Let’s talk about the difference between ’em…

Real Estate Investing2 min read

The Best Tax Yields Deal Ever

I got something awesome for you today! A super-cool success story from Phil Kessler about scoring his best Tax Yields investment — EVER. Go ahead and take a gander at this awesome deal now…

Things Yoda
Mindset8 min read

Top 10 Things Yoda Wants Real Estate Entrepreneurs to Know

I recently came across an interesting take on some of Yoda’s wisdom and how it relates to entrepreneurship… and what can I say? I was inspired to put my own spin on it for the real estate investing world. So here goes…

Real Estate Investing5 min read

What Is a Tax Deed?

Discover what a tax deed is and how to invest in a tax deed property in this guide.

Real Estate Investing5 min read

Announcing: “Paper Flips” by Dolmar Cross

Introducing Paper Flips by Dolmar Cross — a remarkable new training program that expertly teaches how real estate investors can make sexy profits flipping paper contracts virtually in nearly any U.S. market with 100s of potential opportunities per ZIP code.

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