How to Use TikTok for Real Estate Lead Generation 

Real Estate Investing5 min read

Tips and tricks within!

Shoshana Cenker
Shoshana Cenker

TikTok may seem like an unlikely place to grow your REI business, but what if I told you the platform has over 1 billion — with a B — active users each month? 

Would that be enough for you to give it a try?  

That’s 1 billion pairs of eyes on the platform with one of the most effective algorithms at getting niche information into your target audience’s hands. 

I don’t know about you, but I like those odds! 

TikTok isn’t all dance videos and viral trends. It’s also a great place to connect with REI leads. 

So read on as we explain how to use TikTok for real estate lead generation! 

What Is Lead Generation for REI? 

Lead generation for REI is how you find motivated sellers who are ready to sell their homes to you off-market. The old-school way of lead generation was knocking on doors or sending out direct mailers — both of which are still good options.

But now, in the 21st century, you also need to utilize the power of social media. 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do a dance video in front of a house you’ve gotten under contract to get eyes on your unique message and offering — though now that I think about it… that could work, too! So get to dancin’!  

I digress…

Real estate lead generation is about collecting data — like an email address or phone number — that you can turn into a successful transaction. You can use TikTok to show homeowners you have cash to buy houses today, for example. 

That’s how lead generation can transform your business. 

Benefits & Disadvantages of TikTok REI Lead Generation 

Every social media platform has pros and cons. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using TikTok for real estate lead generation. 


  • Reach – over 1 billion users 
  • Create organic/free content to showcase your REI offering 
  • The powerful algorithm has the ability to connect niche content for your target audience 
  • Viral content potential is higher on TikTok compared to other platforms


  • Making quality video content is more difficult than photo content 
  • A majority of TikTok users are under 30 and might not own a home yet or be fellow investors
  • The analytics on TikTok aren’t as in-depth as Facebook’s 
  • Paid ads can add up quickly 

Why Do REIers Use TikTok for Lead Generation 

REIers use TikTok for real estate lead generation to reach a broad audience, tapping into the viral potential of the platform. 

Compared to other social media platforms, TikTok is most popular among younger demographics, though people of all ages use the app. By creating dynamic content on TikTok, you can reach a younger audience that your other marketing— like Facebook — might be missing out on. 

While younger people might not be in the housing market yet, if you create content that provides value to viewers, you can become a resource for other potential investors. Becoming a resource for others builds brand recognition and shows motivated sellers that you’re the real deal. And, you could end up partnering with other active investors on deals.

You can share your success stories and the type of properties you’re looking to purchase, so motivated sellers recognize their property in your content. Or you can do a video where you break down why now is a good time to sell a home. 

Becoming a resource leads to more organic leads! 

How to Use TikTok for REI Lead Generation 

Here are the steps for creating a TikTok ad according to the platform’s website

  1. Go to Ads Manager on your TikTok account
  2. Choose an existing campaign/ad group
  3. Click Create
  4. Turn the Smart creative ads toggle on or off
  5. Select ad format 
  6. Add media
  7. Choose a thumbnail for your ad
  8. Create a display name, text about what you’re promoting, a call-to-action to give your audience a next step, select a profile image, and add the URL you want to drive traffic to
  9. Click submit — now your ad is live on TikTok!

What Are the Different Types of TikTok Lead Gen? 

Paid TikTok Ad Types: 

  • In-feed ads: These are videos that appear in users’ feeds as they scroll.
  • Brand takeover ads: These show up when users open the app, as well as on the “For You Page.”
  • Top view ads: These show up as the user’s first in-feed post.
  • Branded hashtag ads: These are a way to create engagement with users. The idea is that you get other users to use your branded hashtag in their own content, and the hashtag links to a landing page for your business. 
  • Branded effects ads: These effects are similar to branded hashtags. They are graphics that you want other users to add to their content and that link to your landing page. 
  • Collection ads: Collection ads are a full-screen experience that showcase your REI business’s offering. 
  • Sparks ads: Similar to in-feed ads, these feel like organic marketing because the posts were created organically by other users, and now you’re adding them to your campaign with their permission. 

Organic TikTok Marketing: 

You can also build a following without using paid ads on TikTok for real estate lead generation. By providing interactive content and creating engaging messaging, you can drive traffic to your offering and show motivated sellers you’re ready to buy their homes. 

Make sure to track and examine your analytics to see what’s working and not working with your advertising strategy — and do more of what’s working! 

Final Thoughts — How to Use TikTok for REI Lead Generation 

See, TikTok isn’t too overwhelming! You just have to spend time finding your voice and learning from other users on the platform how to create content that users will interact with, creating TikTok real estate lead generation. 

Lean into viral trends and have fun with your content. Capturing attention is key for TikTok real estate lead generation. Don’t be afraid to be a little silly! 

As an REIer, it’s important for you to adapt to new technology so you don’t lose out on essential business. Take this as a challenge: Get in on some TikTok lead generation today! 

TikTok isn’t the only social platform that’s great for real estate lead generation. Check out our guide on how to find properties using Facebook.
