Need a motivated seller voicemail script?
I’ve got something sweet for you today: If you’re looking for a simple real estate purchase contract that’s (i) real estate investor-friendly, (ii) super simple, and (iii) costs $0, then you’re in for a double dose of awesome.
That’s right—let’s ring the opening bell for another Swipe & Deploy!
Over the years, we’ve enjoyed sharing assets from our own internal arsenal of contracts, checklists, and marketing templates—things we’ve been using in our own real estate investing operations for years, which you can just swipe from us, and then deploy them in your own real estate game as you see fit.
We’ve handed you goodies like our agreement for subcontractors, 47 MLS keywords for REI, one of our favorite real estate investor postcards & option agreement.
Today’s tasty treat?
My simple real estate investor purchase contract…
Today’s Swipe & Deploy is a “double dose” because you totally get a twofer:
Not one, but TWO real estate purchase contracts you can use—one that I use on the “buy side” of a cash purchase and another slightly tweaked version I use for the “sell” side of a wholesale deal with a cash buyer.

Seriously, these are the same two simple real estate purchase agreements I’ve been using in my real estate investing game for 90% of my deals over 18+ years.
Why would I keep using these same contracts over and over again, many hundreds of times now?

- They’re easy as pie (one side of a single page, in plain English)
- They’re super understandable (no fluff clauses, zero legalese)
- I’ve never had a problem with them (nope)
- They’re 100% legal (at least for me, in TN—but you should totally verify with your own counsel, of course)

Wanna walk through these real estate purchase contracts?
I’m not about to hand you these contracts and send you off without some friendly insights and intel from my own experiences in using them.
So, I made you a tight little video talking through this simple real estate purchase contract template, line by line.
Including things like:
- Essentials: Two little-known (but crucial) ingredients needed to make your simple purchase contract into a legally binding agreement.
- Key differences: Between the pro-buyer version and the pro-seller version.
- EMD: Why I typically only put $10 earnest money on most buyer contracts, and exactly how I explain it to the seller.
- Consideration: Viable, non-$$$ types of “legal consideration” (interesting…and sometimes a little weird)
- Closing Costs: Why they differ in my buyer and seller versions of this contract.
- Recommended: The one specific “Realtor” class I think most investors should probably try to take. (even if you’re not a licensed agent, honestly)
- Ouch! Something I didn’t include in my contract that came back to bite me. (so now it’s definitely standard in my docs).
- Exceptions: The specific circumstances when I will NOT use this contract and resort to a bloated, state-approved contract instead of these simple purchase agreements.
- More: Things and stuff and whatnot.
So, take a quick gander, then you can download these two gems below…
My sample real estate purchase contract…
Like what you saw?

Well, there you have it: the ultimate real estate purchase contract. And hopefully now you have a good grasp of how and when to use these, and a little insight into what’s important.
Just remember: Make sure your local attorney—a local one who knows the specific legal stuff for your state—reviews and approves them before you go start raising a ruckus with them yourself.
How to download my real estate purchase contract…
First off, I’d like to ask a small favor:
Would you please “Like” our Facebook page if you haven’t done so already?
Doing this will most definitely make you awesomer and probably better looking, too.

Next, do this…

Ok, so how do you get your little paws on my simple purchase contract? Easy peasy. Just download the document here… No strings attached.

Leave a comment below and you’ll get to download my real estate investor purchase contract—easy peasy, macaroni-and-cheesy.
And don’t forget to be awesome.