How to Find Cash Buyers

Real Estate Investing7 min read

Learn where to find cash buyers for your next real estate deal.

JP Moses
JP Moses

In the world of real estate investing, there’s a group that holds a special place: cash buyers.

Why are cash buyers so desirable… yet oh so hard to find?

Well, let me tell you, that’s because these are not your ordinary buyers. They are like the superheroes of the buying world!

As their name implies, these buyers have the superpower of paying in full, in cash, up front. 

But there’s even more…

There are no mortgage approvals, no lengthy bank processes, just pure unadulterated cash. 

For a real estate investor, this can mean faster transactions, reduced risks, and more profit in your pocket.

And who doesn’t love the sound of all that?

But! There’s a catch! 

Finding these buyers is not always a walk in the park. It requires strategy, patience, and a dash of creativity. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back…

I’ll guide you through the maze and help you discover where these cash buyers are hiding.

Who Are Cash Buyers?

The share of homes bought for cash is at a 9-year high, according to the real estate firm Redfin. In fact, over 34% of buyers are paying all cash, the highest percentage in over a decade. Yowza!

The million-dollar — or perhaps, the all-cash — question: Who exactly are these buyers?

Well, they’re like the unicorns of the real estate world. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere, ready to buy your house with a suitcase full of cash. Ok, maybe not literally a suitcase, but you get the idea!

Now, you might be picturing a mysterious tycoon, sitting in a swanky penthouse suite, nonchalantly buying properties as if they were picking up groceries. But, let me burst that bubble right away. While there certainly are such high-rollers, they’re not the only ones.

You see, cash buyers come in all shapes and sizes. Each of them has their own reasons and motivations for choosing to pay in cash. Let’s meet a few of them:

Real Estate Investors

As you likely know, these savvy folks are all about speed and convenience. Paying cash means they can close deals faster, avoid mortgage hassles, and start flipping or renting out the property right away. Their motto? Time is money.


Next up, we have the retirees. Having spent decades building their nest egg, they prefer to buy homes outright, rather than getting tangled in mortgage payments during their golden years. Their goal is peace of mind, pure and simple.

International Buyers

Don’t forget real estate investors from another country. For them, buying a property in cash can be an easier, more straightforward process. It helps them overcome hurdles like foreign mortgage restrictions, while also providing a solid investment in a stable market.


And then, there are those who simply value the security of owning their home outright. No mortgage hanging over their heads, no monthly payments to worry about. Just the comfort of knowing they have a place to call their own.

Pros & Cons of Cash Buyers

If you’re contemplating opening your doors to cash buyers… some considerations are needed. Let’s take a looksiet:


  • Swift Transactions: One of the biggest advantages is speed. Without the need for mortgage approval, transactions are often completed much quicker. This means you can say goodbye to your property and hello to your profits in no time!
  • Fewer Sales Falling Through: Ever heard of a buyer paying cash being denied a mortgage last minute? Exactly! With cash buyers, the risk of the sale falling through at the 11th hour is significantly reduced.
  • No Appraisal Needed: Cash sales frequently skip the appraisal process. This means no worrying about the property being valued lower than expected, which could jeopardize a traditional sale.
  • Less Paperwork: Without a lender involved, there’s less red tape to navigate. This can make the whole process feel a lot less complex and much more straightforward.
  • As-Is Sales: Often, cash buyers are willing to buy the property “as is.” This means less stress over repairs, renos, or upgrades to attract a buyer.


  • Lower Offers: Buyers paying cash know they bring speed and convenience to the table, and sometimes, they expect a discount in return. This might mean receiving a lower offer than you would from a traditional buyer.
  • Fewer Bidders: By limiting yourself to cash buyers, you may be reducing the pool of potential buyers. More competition usually results in better offers.
  • Quick Decisions Required: Cash buyers often want to close the deal quickly. This could put pressure on you to make decisions faster than you’re comfortable with, which could also lead to costly mistakes.
  • Potential for Scams: Unfortunately, the allure of cash can attract some unsavory characters. It’s crucial to ensure you’re dealing with a legitimate buyer and not falling for a scam. Vet every cash buyer.
  • Less Negotiation Room: With traditional buyers, there could be room to negotiate on things like repairs after an inspection. However, cash buyers may prefer taking the property as-is, leaving less wiggle room for negotiations.

10 Ways to Find Cash Buyers

Alright, now we’re getting to the juicy part. You’ve decided that cash buyers sound like your kind of people.

Swift transactions, fewer complications — what’s not to love? 

But there’s just 1 tiny detail left: How on Earth do you find these creatures in the wild?!

Well, put on your explorer hat and grab a metaphorical net because we’re going to begin our expedition to discover these elusive beasts.

Here are 10 tried-and-tested ways to attract cash buyers to your property — no bait necessary!

  1. Networking: Start with the people you know. Friends, family, colleagues — anyone could potentially know a cash buyer or be one themselves. Don’t be shy, spread the word.
  2. Real Estate Agents: These folks are pros at finding buyers. A good agent will have connections and resources to help you find cash buyers.
  3. Online Listings: Make sure to mention you’re open to cash offers in your online listings. It’s like sending up a bat signal for cash buyers.
  4. Real Estate Auctions: These are prime spots to meet cash buyers. After all, people at auctions are usually ready to make immediate purchases.
  5. Investor Clubs & Groups: Many cities have local real estate investor clubs. Attending meetings and networking events can put you in touch with potential cash buyers.
  6. Public Records: Did you know you can search public records for recent cash transactions in your area? Yep, it’s detective time!
  7. Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, X, or Instagram to reach out to a broader audience. You never know who might stumble upon your post.
  8. Direct Mail Campaign: Send out letters or postcards to homes in your area, target market, or to a list of known investors. Old school, but effective.
  9. Real Estate Websites: Websites like Craigslist and Zillow can be great places to find cash buyers. Just make sure to vet them properly.
  10. Local Real Estate Seminars & Events: These gatherings are often attended by investors looking for opportunities. Be there, be visible, and make connections.

Finding cash buyers might feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack, but with these strategies, you’ll have a powerful magnet in your hands.

Bottom Line: How to Find Cash Buyers

It’s time to wrap up our adventure in the land of cash buyers. We’ve ventured far and wide, exploring the ins and outs of these unique creatures in the real estate ecosystem.

We’ve learned who cash buyers are, those superheroes of the buying world who swoop in with their cash ready, saving the day by making transactions smoother and quicker. We’ve weighed the pros and cons, discovering that while they do bring certain challenges, the benefits they offer often tip the scales in your favor.

And most importantly, we’ve uncovered the treasure map on how to find these elusive beings. We’ve realized it’s not about looking in the right place, but about being strategic, patient, and a little bit creative.

Don’t let this be just another article you read and forget. Use these insights, apply the strategies, and start your quest for cash buyers today. Take your first step toward faster transactions, reduced risks, and more potential profit in your pocket.

You got this!

