Let me be honest: I love the Zombie House Flipping show!
It’s one of my favorite house flipping shows. Why?
There’s entertainment and there’s drama. But above all that, there’s interesting lessons that I’ve learned as I’ve watch real estate investors buy, sell, and flip zombie properties.
And they’re the kind of lessons that you can’t learn anywhere else.
If you haven’t watched Zombie house Flipping, you may be wondering what a zombie property even is.
No, it’s not something out of an apocalyptic movie. A zombie property is vacant and undergoing the foreclosure process, but because the bank has yet to take possession of it, it’s in limbo (neither occupied nor on the market), hence the term “zombie”.
Here’s a few of my favorite moments from the show, and, more importantly, what I learned from it.
“Biggest Zombie Flips”
Accidental Open Floor Plan
Working as a Team
Justin and Keith’s Treasure Hunt
How to Sell a Renovated House
The Bottom Line: Zombie House Flipping
There you have it: these are some of my favorite moments from the Zombie House Flipping show and what I learned.
There’s no doubt about it: it’s one of the best house flipping shows past and present.
Did I miss any of your favorite moments from the show?
If so, let me know in the comments!