5 Zero Down Mortgage Options for Real Estate Investors in 2025

Real Estate Investing6 min read

Everything you need to decide if a zero down mortgage is right for you within!

Cash Lambert
Cash Lambert

With so many funding options for your first or next real estate investment, where can you start?

That’s what I’m here to do: help you understand your options so that you can get started.

Did you know that you can use a zero down mortgage for just that?

It’s true!

But here’s the question: is it right for your deal?

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about a zero down mortgage and whether or not it’s right for your real estate investment.

What is a Zero Down Mortgage?

Imagine strolling into the world of property investment without dropping a dime at the door.

That’s your zero down mortgage — the financial equivalent of a VIP pass into the real estate club, no cover charge required.

Traditionally, buying a house means parting with a chunk of cash upfront with a downpayment.

But with a zero down mortgage, you sidestep the cash splash and go straight to owning.

It’s like having your real estate cake tomorrow and eating it now, without having to pay for the slice today.

Now, that’s perfect for those who’ve got the credit swagger and stable, uninterrupted income but maybe not the cash stash.

A sweet deal for diving headfirst into investment without emptying your pockets.

Just remember, while it sounds like a free ride, the road ahead might have its own set of bumps.

Advantages of a Zero Down Mortgage

Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran investor, stepping into the realm of real estate without emptying your piggy bank is the beauty of zero down mortgage and the primary advantage.

Not having to save up for a down payment means you can leapfrog right into property investment, potentially turning profits while others are still pinching pennies.

Plus, with zero down, you’re essentially leveraging someone else’s dime to climb the real estate ladder. You can use your own dimes to invest in another property or elsewhere, like stocks, bonds, and other appreciating assets.

Sounds great, right?

But remember, with great power comes great responsibility, as the wise Yoda once rightfully declared.

In this case, the responsibilities happen to be a keen eye on the market and a solid investment strategy, and they happen to rest on your shoulders.

Disadvantages of a Zero Down Mortgage

Like all funding options, a zero down mortgage has it’s fair share of disadvantages, including:

  • Higher interest rates (because lenders likes a safety net, too)
  • No down, no equity (whelp!)
  • Private mortgage insurance (PMI)
  • Homeowners Association (HOA) monthly fees
  • Annual property taxes
  • Maintenance costs

What Credit Score is Needed for a Zero Down Mortgage?

Stepping into the zero down mortgage arena?

You better be wearing your financial superhero cape because it’s going to take more than just courage to qualify. Lenders will likely peek through your financial history with a magnifying glass, looking for signs of a good to excellent credit score.

We’re talking about some pretty impressive digits that say:

  • I pay my bills on time
  • I’m responsible
  • And yes, I do actually check my credit report regularly

No specific magic number exists across the board, but you’ll want to aim high, Kryptonians!

Before you dream of vaulting into a zero down mortgage property investment, ensure your credit score can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

5 Zero Down Mortgage Options for 2025

Now, down to the delectable buffet of zero down mortgage options. If this is the right funding choice for you, here’s specific options you can use this year.

1. USDA Loans

As wholesome and hearty as a home-cooked meal, this government-guaranteed loan offers a slice of the American dream for rural and suburban homebuyers. Lenders love it because the U.S. Department of Agriculture assumes payments should you default on them.

Here are the requirements:

  • Property location must be USDA-accredited (check out this map)
  • No working farms allowed
  • Single-family home declared as your primary residence
  • Household combined gross income should be less than 115% of the area’s median income
  • 41% or lower debt-to-income ratio
  • At least 640 FICO score

2. VA Loans

Saluting our uniformed men and women with a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs-guaranteed program that’s as loyal as a faithful old dog!

This no down payment loan doesn’t require PMI, either.

Plus, if you so desire, the funding fee that’s supposed to be paid upfront can be absorbed into your mortgage.

Who is eligible?

3. Credit Union Mortgage

Navy Federal has also thrown its hat in the ring with a dish best served to those who want a taste of home without the upfront cash garnish.

But they’re not the only credit union doing it, so keep in mind that a little sleuthing in your neighborhood might turn up something similar.

4. Doctor Loan Programs

Specially crafted for those who’ve been through the educational grinder and come out the other side in scrubs, physician loans are on the zero down mortgage menu, too.

5. State and Local First-Time Homebuyer Programs

And finally, for the first-time buyer feeling a bit green around the gills, seek help from your state and local lenders.

Not all states offer this comforting spoonful of support with a side of no down payment.

With a little offline and online research, you can find out whether yours does.

How to Apply for a Zero Down Mortgage

Alrighty, so you’ve decided that a zero down mortgage is the right option for your first or next real estate investment.

Here’s how you can get started:

1. Prepare your credit report. Give it a good once-over. No room for shrinking violets here. You want those numbers buff and shiny!

2. Play detective. Scour the internet for zero down options that fit your lifestyle, e.g. Veterans United for a VA loan, PNC Bank for a USDA loan, and online lending platforms like Lending Tree.

3. Gather your papers. Think pay stubs, tax returns, and other proof of income. 

5. Find a pre-approval agent. Preferably one who specializes in the type of loan you’re getting.

6. Submit your application. 

There, not so daunting, right?

The Bottom Line: Zero Down Mortgage

Navigating the zero down mortgage waters is like deciding whether to ride a unicycle across a tightrope.

Exciting, a bit risky, but oh-so rewarding with the right balance.

Use this article to help you decide whether or not a zero down mortgage right for you.

If it is, I encourage you to not delay!

Use the resources in this article to get started today!
