Faster, easier, Awesomer…
What am I talking about?
Nope, not the latest automated robot-driving cars… and not the next superhero blockbuster movie…
I’m talking about wholesaling real estate faster, easier and awesomer.

3 ninja wholesaling hacks ⇉
In this quick video, I’m hitting you with:
- A method you should think about using instead of group email blasts and text messages…
- Why and how you should get a non-refundable earnest money deposit from cash buyers…
- And how to “market” wholesale deals you don’t even have under contract—without getting in hot water.
Anyone (any kind of real estate investor) should consider these things—even if “wholesaler” isn’t the primary REI hat you wear. There will likely come a time in your deal-making when one (or more) of these things is useful to you.
So, I expect this will be worth your time, and it’s kinda fun, too.
Press play, Grasshopper…
There you have it. 3 ninja wholesaling hacks you can get working on today.
Go ringless, grab the clause, and soft sell for the win.

Ever used any of these wholesaler hacks? Got one of your own worth sharing? Talk to me with a comment below! I’m all ears.
EMD Clause Verbiage:
PURCHASE PRICE. The Seller agrees to convey property to Buyer for the sum of ________________________ with earnest money in the amount of ________________________ payable via certified funds to ________________________.
Earnest money to be held in escrow by seller’s closing attorney.
Earnest money non-refundable to buyer unless title is non-conveyable or physical condition of property changes prior to closing.